Richland components and subassemblies have become an integral part of such diverse applications as power tubes for communications systems, components for guidance systems, parts for magnatron tubes, and precision components for jet engine ignitors to name a few. Product lists includes tubing and rod, vials, tube stem assemblies, spacers and insulators, precision cut beads and cases, lens and window blanks, tabulation and tubular glass vials. Our materials experience encompasses a wide range of glass types, from soda lime to quartz. Richland Glass maintains the capability to work with lead (Pb) glasses. Our process capabilities include direct draw and redraw to a variety of shapes, machine forming, high-speed cutting, glazing, grinding, shrinking, and glass to metal sealing.

Industries and applications using Richland products:

Automotive: Air bag initiators, sensors and automotive Lighting applications

Commercial/Industrial: Lighting products, Photo-optics Radiation detection, Packaging (vials) OEM Glass Products

Cosmetics: Perfume sampling, fragrance product launches, point of purchase cosmetic counter giveaways

Pharmaceuticals: Tubular vials, OEM glass products

Electrical/Electronic: Hermetic sealing packaging, Photo-optics, Reed switches, Fuses, Semiconductor packaging

Environmental: Municipal & private water testing, energy – oil industry, hydraulic fracturing (fracking)

Medical/Diagnostic: X-ray, PMT (Photomultiplier) and imaging tubes

Your Go-to Glass Manufacturing & Fabricating Specialist Since 1960